Thursday, February 9, 2012

The One with the First Utlrasound...

There's TWO! We are having TWINS! I can't believe it. The doctor began the ultrasound and we saw two sacs right away. I immediately said, oh my goodness, there's two! The doctor said, well we transfered two, so we knew this was a possibility, which I totally knew, but it's different once it's a reality! I have to say, I am extremely overwhelmed right now. Of coarse I'm happy, and so thankful to God for these blessings, but it's a lot to take in. We will have a completely different life than I ever imagined. Two really changes things. Right now I just pray that these babies continue to grow healthy and strong inside of with little to no complications. I look forward to our weekly ultrasounds where we get to see our two pumpkins growing. Next week we should be able to see their heartbeats. Amazing!

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