These two couldn't be more different.
He's blonde and pale like mommy, she's brunette and olive like daddy.
He's kicked back and very chill, she's a busy body and miss sassy.
He can take or leave sleeping, she's a sleeper.
But one thing they have in common is that they make us laugh on a daily basis and melt our hearts with how much they love each other already.
We had a fun Easter and I can hardly wait for next year because it's only going to get better.
All dressed up for church.
After church we went to Grandma & Grandpa Anema's to open Easter baskets.
Then we headed to my Grandpa's for lunch.
We ended the day back and Matt's parents for dinner and then my parents came to our house to do more Easter baskets! It was a long and busy day, but the kiddos did great and even managed to stay on schedule :)
This Sunday Cole & Faith turned 7 months. 7 months! They are going to be turning 1 before we know it! And because it's never too early to start thinking about their 1st birthday, the planning already has begun :) Thank goodness for Pinterest finally creating private pin boards!
It's that time for another monthly update on the kiddos, so here it is...
Cole Matthew
Your sleeping patterns: We finally figured out that you LOVE to sleep on your side. This makes things much easier because you are napping much better, but it also can be a bit of a hindrance because you wake up if your not on your side. 9 times out of 10 you are the first one awake in the morning, but Mommy usually doesn't know when you're awake because you love to just lay in your crib and take your time waking up, usually waiting till 7:00am to start making any noises to let me know your
ready for breakfast.
Your feeding schedule: You are still getting a 7 oz. bottle every four hour. You started eating oatmeal and fruit in the morning along with veggies at night. You are a great eater and so far you've liked everything Mommy has made for you. You had mangos for the first time last night and loved the new sweet taste.

Happy as can be after dinner.

Sounds and motions you make: You are FINALLY rolling over from you back to tummy! Once on your tummy you get frustrated because tummy time has never been a favorite of yours. You are also a great stander now. You are so proud of yourself and get the biggest grin.

Your dislikes: Long periods of time in the jumper. Other then that you are a really happy boy and not much gets you upset.
Your favorite toys: You absolutely love watching Praise Baby. You coo and smile at all the babies. You also love this new toy Grandma Anema put in your Easter basket. It's the perfect teether and we highly recommend it :)
What we are learning this month: Hopefully you will be starting to show signs of crawling soon. (Although life is going to get a little more crazy interesting once that begins!)
Faith Olivia
Your sleeping patterns: You have become quite the crazy mover while you sleep, especially now that you aren't swaddled anymore. The minute we lay you down you flip over on your belly and often fall asleep that way. I'm hoping that sleeping on your belly will finally let the hair on the back of your head grow in :) You are usually the one to fall asleep first and wake up last. You love (and need) your sleep just like Mommy.
Your feeding schedule: You love your food, although no one would know since your still a petite littl thing. You are still getting a 7 oz. bottle every four hour and eating oatmeal and fruit in the morning along with veggies at night. There isn't a food you don't like and we can't shovel the food in fast enough. Most of the time you even finish whatever Cole doesn't eat!
Sounds and motions you make: You are a little wiggle worm! I think the only time you stay still is while your sleeping, and even then you are moving all around your crib. You love to roll over but get frustrated because you want to be on the move. I have a feeling you will be the first You have also started grabbing anything and everything you can get your hands on.

Still standing every chance she gets.
Crazy hair after bath time.
Your dislikes: You have become a sassy little thing and you're definitely not afraid to tell us when you don't like something. You're biggest dislike is probably riding in the car because you are being restricted in your carseat. You also dislike waiting for your food.
Your favorite toys: Your paci! Not sure it's meant to be a toy, but it definitely has become one for you. Your new goal in life is to search for any paci you can find...even if it's in Cole's mouth :) You also love Praise Baby and your new teether from Grandma Anema.
LOVE this!!!!