Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!
Thank you so much, Sisterlee Photography, for taking some adorable pictures of our little love bugs!
Last week Thursday the kiddos turned 5 months old. I am really loving this age. They are starting to play with toys and their little personalities are really starting to come out. They just started eating every 4 hours and taking 2 hours naps which is a.maz.ing. I am able to get so much more done during the day now. They have also started eating rice cereal before their last feeding at night and they're loving it.
I celebrated my first birthday as a mommy last week. I had to work, but my mother-in-law brought me lunch and took the kiddos along which I LOVED.
Here is a picture of Faith & Cole in the window seat at Shenandoah, celebrating with Matt's family. We also went out with my family to Spaghettinis. It was the babies first time at a fancy restaurant and they were naturals :)
I never got the chance to post any pictures from Christmas, so here they are...

Christmas Eve at the Anemas..

Lovin' on my Coley boy.
Faith making funny faces and hanging out with Grandpa.
And Christmas night at the Rollemas...
I never got the chance to post any pictures from Christmas, so here they are...
Christmas Eve at the Anemas..
Lovin' on my Coley boy.
Faith making funny faces and hanging out with Grandpa.
And Christmas night at the Rollemas...
Grammie multi-tasking.
Checking out Matt's new BBQ.
My parents finally joined the 21st Century and got each other an ipad and iphone.
We went with the Witts to Palm Desert over MLK weekend and got some much needed relaxation.

No, I did not lay my babies out in the sun to tan. This was JUST for a photo opt :)

Love the Witts!
Daddy & his girl.
Touching the water for the first time.
Family golf cart ride
Well, I think I'm all caught up on what we have been doing. Now for the 5 month update!
Cole Matthew
Sweet Cole, you are such a happy baby. This month you have really started to discover toys and how to play. You continue to love laying on your play mat and just started to grab onto the toys and try to pull them into your mouth. You also started to giggle which is THE sweetest noise I have ever heard. You love it when daddy tickles your feet and your tummy. You continue to talk our ears off and have the sweetest high pitch little voice. You are still sleeping well, although we had one rough week where you decided to start waking up again. But thankfully we are back to our normal sleeping through the night. We call you our little butter ball because you are just so soft and squishy. You love to cuddle and rest all your weight on whoever is holding you. You still refuse to stand, but you do love bouncing side to side in the jumperoo. You are still a great eater, drinking 6-7oz every feeding and you love scarfing down rice cereal at night. We can't get enough of your big blue eyes and sweet smile. We love you oh so much!
Faith Olivia
Little miss Faith, you bring us such much joy. You already have quite the personality and know exactly what you do and don't want. You are still our little stander. It is so funny to see such a tiny little thing standing for as long as you do. You also just started rolling over from your tummy to your back. This has helped you tolerate laying on the play mat, but you still prefer the jumperoo. You love bouncing from side to side until you wear yourself out...
You have also become quite the napper. You were the first one to start napping for 2 hours. I wish this would transfer over to night time. You are still waking up at night either wanting to eat or your paci. You have also become a picky little eater which has this momma very frustrated. Since you get bottles on Mondays and Tuesday while I'm at work, you have decided you don't like working for your food when I feed you. I am not quite ready to let go of nursing you just yet! Your open mouthed grin melts our hearts and we love you to pieces little peanut.