I have been LOVING being able to spend every day at home with these two! It is so much fun seeing their smiling faces waiting for me in the morning.
We spend our days swinging in the backyard...
going on family bike rides...
going to VBS...
playing with all our toys...
and swimming!
This kid can't get enough of the water.
We started the morning off with a family bike ride around the neighborhood. Then, Cole decided he was going to crawl! None of this belly crawling business for this guy. He went straight to crawling on his knees. So worth the wait!
Not long after, Faith decided that she was ready to crawl on her knees too! Such a competitive little thing already :)
We had a busy, yet fun day planned. First, we stopped and The Bomgaars' house and Cole and Faith had fun playing with their "cousins" Jake, Janelle, Brooke, and Luke, plus lots of other kiddos!
Then we headed to the 2nd Annual Independence Day Block Party at the Abrahams' to play with even more friends!
Olivia, Faith, Cole, and Seth
While the adults had fun playing in the Corn Hole Tournament, the kids had a bike parade.
We started the night off right by listening to Kelly Sybesma, Janice Westra, and Rachel Streelman sing the Star Spangled Banner.
We ended the weekend by celebrating Matt's new job! He is the new Distribution Center Manager at ThyssenKrupp. We are so proud of him!
Cole Matthew
Your sleeping patterns: Sleeping has stayed the same this month. You are able to sit up in your crib now so you love to sit and play with your lovey after your done sleeping.
Your feeding schedule: You still have 2 teeth, but your top 2 could pop through any day now. You are eating more table food now and you still can't get enough. You love to stuff as many pieces in your mouth as possible.
Sounds and motions you make: You are officially crawling now!! You need a little motivation to get started though. You are still very content just sitting and examining your toys. You can say, Bababababa and you love patting your hand over your mouth while you say Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh.
Your dislikes: Other then loud noises, you have recently started despising getting your diaper changed. You need lots of distractions to keep you happy and still.
Your favorite toys: This one...
What we are learning this month: I think the next thing to learn will be pulling yourself up and some words.
Faith Olivia
Your sleeping patterns: Getting you to lay down has become more of a challenge now that you can pull yourself up in your crib. This week I actually started putting you down for naps in a pack n play in our bedroom which seems to help. Once you're asleep your out.
Your feeding schedule: You have 2 teeth as of today! You are also getting more table food and are a very good eater. We still haven't found anything you guys don't like.
Sounds and motions you make: As I said earlier, you learned to pull yourself up and you just started walk along things, like the couch. You also love to climb over Cole and on my lap
when I sit on the floor and play with you guys. Your first official word was "dada" but you say "mama" all the time and know what it means, especially when you want something or are sad. That's my girl :) You also love to "sing" Ahhhhhh and will sing along with anyone who does it too.
Your dislikes: You've never liked being contained, and that has only grown more now that you can move around.
Your favorite toys: You still love taking toys away from Cole, but you also love anything that isn't a toy, like our cell phone and the remote control, both things you are not aloud to have. You think you are so clever when you happen to get your hands on them though.
What we are learning this month: More words and dare I say...walking??
Only 2 more months till they're ONE, which means I need to get back on the birthday planning! I took a break for awhile but the theme has already planned and some things have been purchased, but now it's time to start putting it all together. Let the crafting begin!!
For those of you who stuck with me and read through all my rambling...
The next blog post will be of the 9 month photo-shoot Sisterlee Photography did for us. I can't wait to share what they captured!