This week starts the beginning of the 2nd Trimester! Up until now, things have seemed to go by pretty slow, but now that I'm in the 2nd tri, it seems like it's going to start flying by. I already have both family and friends shower dates on the calendar, which I am so excited for! I read some moms of multiples (M.o.Ms.) chat boards, and they have all suggested to have your showers before 28 weeks. They said that since you could be put on bed rest at anytime, it's best to have them earlier than later. Also, many of them said after 28 weeks you are miserable and exhausted (especially since your body measures 6 plus weeks ahead when carrying multiples). It's still hard for me to believe it's my turn and I will be having baby showers thrown for me! So surreal.
How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain: back down to 3lbs
Maternity clothes? All pants. Looking forward to shopping for more during Spring Break.
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep: Good. I still haven't had to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom yet. I asked my Dr. today about sleeping on my back, and he told Matt there is no need to worry about that yet. So, hopefully no more being rolled over in the middle of the night :)
Best moment this week: Seeing the pumpkins moving around on the ultrasound again. One of the perks of having twins...getting ultrasounds every appointment!
Miss Anything? Nope
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Still haven't had any "craving". I'm ready for them though :)
Gender: Hoping to find out sooner than later!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Nothing new.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound appointment next week where we MIGHT be able to find out the sexes!
Looking good!!!!!!!!!