Friday, July 27, 2012

The One with 9 Weeks Left...

If the babies decide to stay put, my doctor said he would let me go till 38 weeks, which means only 9 weeks left! I know things could change at any moment, but I am hoping and praying that the pregnancy continues to go as smoothly and uneventful as it's been so far. I like to think that since it was such a rough journey to get me pregnant, God has blessed me with an easy & smooth pregnancy :) I've actually been feeling really good! Yes...I've slowed down a lot. I need help getting up from sitting on the ground, I can barely get my foot up to put my shoes on, and my feet get sore pretty quick after walking around for awhile, but other than that it's not so bad! :)

Here is this weeks stats...

  • How far along? 29 weeks
  • Total weight gain: 34lbs
  • Maternity clothes? Yes. My maternity jeans are starting to get uncomfortable because not all of them have full belly panel, so they don't stay up as well. 
  • Stretch marks? No new ones!
  • Sleep: Better this week. Just waking up once each night to use the restroom, but falling asleep isn't an issue. 
  • Best moment this week: Getting a pedicure and extra long foot massage (thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law :)
  • Miss Anything? Not this week!
  • Movement: I've been feeling a lot of body parts this weeks which is so fun! I love pushing against them and having him &/or her push back :)
  • Food cravings: Peaches and chocolate chip ice cream
  • Food Aversions: None
  • Gender: Pink & Blue!
  • Labor Signs: None
  • Symptoms: My fingers and feet still aren't their normal size, but not super noticeable. My knuckles are always sore though, probably due to the swelling.  
  • Belly Button in or out? Usually flat while I'm sitting, and out while standing. It has a mind of it's own sometimes.
  • Wedding rings on or off? Off. I think I might check out Target and get a nice big fake one :) 
  • Looking forward to: Getting more nursery projects done this weekend. Hoping it will be done in the next couple weeks or so.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The One with the Last Shower...

This past Saturday I had my last shower thrown by the BFF, Jenalee, and a long time Anema family friend, Delores Staal. It was held at my Mother-In-Laws house and the theme was "Cute as a Button & Oh Sew Sweet!" The theme fit me & my hobbies perfectly and I loved every bit of the day. 

Be prepared for a picture overload. There were so many cute things to capture it was hard to pick & choose what to share! 

Button Cake and Desserts were from Sweet & Saucy. The cake was delicious and so were all the treats. We had Macaroons, Mini Cheesecakes, and Peach Pies.

 Loved the Button Pops!


Guests took home button & bow sugar cookies made by Danielle Evans, and these cute pin cushions! I've already started using mine :)

Jenalee, Val & adorable 2 month old Luke!

We played a cute game where you had to try and break the 2 babies out of the ice cube. The first person to get both babies out yell "my water broke!" lol

Camo outfits from Grandpa Anema :D
A boxes for each baby, full of goodies from Grandma Anema!

Super cute boppy covers from my mom.

        The wonderful hostess! Thank you ladies!!


  • How far along? 27 weeks
  • Total weight gain: 28 lbs. 
  • Maternity clothes? Yes.
  • Stretch marks? The first mark has appeared on my belly this week :( Thankfully it's pretty low and hard for me to see. I just hope there aren't too many more on their way and that they don't work their way any farther up my belly. 
  • Sleep: Sleeping is officially uncomfortable this week. It's getting hard to turn over from side to side and my body just aches no matter what position I'm in. Currently, my entire body is surrounded by pillows which seems to help some. I think I might be moving to the recliner eventually.
  • Best moment this week: Handing my keys over to my long term sub. My classroom is officially hers till January :)
  • Miss Anything? Sleeping comfortably and rolling over with ease. 
  • Movement: So much!! 
  • Food cravings: Thrifty's chocolate chip ice cream.
  • Food Aversions: None
  • Gender: Boy & Girl
  • Labor Signs: Nope
  • Symptoms: Swelling. My feet and fingers aren't noticeable swollen but I can tell they are bigger than normal. My knuckles also ache, which I'm assuming is coming from the swelling in my fingers.
  • Belly Button in or out? Outie
  • Wedding rings on or off? Off :(
  • Looking forward to: My last shower this weekend!
Now for this weeks update...

  • How far along? 28 weeks. This is a huge milestone to get to with twins! They are now able to survive outside the womb if they come early. 
  • Total weight gain: 32 lbs. Yikes! I think I need to cut back on that Thrifty's Chocolate Chip ice cream :/
  • Maternity clothes? Yes.
  • Stretch marks? There are now a total of 2 :( This is not looking good!
  • Sleep: Still not great. 
  • Best moment this week: Passing my Glucose Test!
  • Miss Anything? Energy. I'm pretty much good until 1:00ish. Then I hit a wall and I'm done for the rest of the afternoon.
  • Movement: They both are really active, especially after lunch time. 
  • Food cravings: I've been having Chicken Salad sandwiches on a croissant every day for lunch. Probably another contributor to my weight gain this week. But the babies love it!
  • Food Aversions: None
  • Gender: Boy & Girl
  • Labor Signs: No
  • Symptoms: Lack of energy and swelling in my hands and feet. 
  • Belly Button in or out? Outie
  • Wedding rings on or off? Off 
  • Looking forward to: Maternity Pictures this week with Sisterlee Photography :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

The One with The Friend's Shower

Last Saturday I had another shower hosted by my amazing friends, Jen, Carmen, Shelly, & Kelly. This shower has been a long awaited one. I say that because throughout our friends ship, and especially during the past couple years when we were all in a small group together,  I had occasionally talked about the struggles we were having with trying to have a baby. It was such a blessing to have these close christian friends to go to and share my honest, raw emotions and feelings with. They were nothing but supporting and encouraging, and they would always say to day, it's going to happen, and when it does, we are going to throw you an amazing baby shower :) Well that day finally got here and it was such a fun and special day. They truly put so much thought and detail into EVERYTHING and definitely made this crafter proud :) Thank you girls!!

Jen & Carmen out did themselves by making the invitations and I couldn't of thought of a cuter invite! I was so excited when I got this in the mail :)

The theme was Two Peas In A Pod and was held and Carmen and Shelly's parents house who were gracious enough to open up their beautiful home to us!
 The candy display...yum!

I was SO impressed by the cupcakes Carmen made.
2 Peas in a Pod!

Cake of my fav

And pea in a pod cookies made by Shelly's friend.

I always appreciate a cute handmade banner :)

The food was delicious...yummy salads, fruit, and cranberry chicken salad croissant sandwiches...all made by Shelly & Kelly. 

Like I said...they put so much thought into EVERYTHING!

One of my favorite ideas...cupcake liner added to the mason jars to make it even cuter!

Jen reading a tear jerking devotional.

I always appreciate a new game that I've never played. We had to match up the pregnancy related phrase to a list of candies. 

 I was clearly extremely excited to open up gifts :D

Love the coordination outfits!

Cute bibs that say Womb Mates

The baby girls blanket Matt's Grandma crocheted which I LOVE! The girls is peach and the boys is teal :)

Matching onesies that went with the shower theme perfectly...sweet peas :)

Loved all the cute clothes I got!

They each have their own Sophies :)

A hooter hider Jen made for me :)

Another favorite of mine. Each guest took home a Prayer Soap bottle that said:
When you wash up, please pray for their family as we anticipate the arrival of the twins!

The very talented and thoughtful hostess'
Shelly, Kelly, Jen & Carmen

All the girls that could make it.

The family

And the beautiful Grandmas

I had to get a pictures with Carmen and her pro cupcakes :)

  • How far along? 26 weeks
  • Total weight gain: 26 lbs. 
  • Maternity clothes? I surprised myself by squeezing into a non-maternity shirt on the 4th of July, but other than that, Maternity all the way.
  • Stretch marks? Still staying clear of the belly, but I've spotted a few little red marks on my hips this week :(
  • Sleep: Not too bad. It definitely is a lot of work and not too easy finding a comfortable position when it's time to go to bed. 
  • Best moment this week: Celebrating the 4th of July! It was so fun spending it with friends and all their kiddos. Can't wait till next year :)
  • Miss Anything? I am enjoying being pregnant to the fullest, but I will have to say, I am looking forward to one day not having to share my body with two small humans. It's a lot of work! But all VERY worth it :) 
  • Movement: I woke up last night and I think it was Baby Boy who had the hiccups. Loved it!!
  • Food cravings: Otter Pops :)
  • Food Aversions: None
  • Gender: Boy & Girl
  • Labor Signs: Nope
  • Symptoms: Starting to get up in the middle of the night more consistently now to use the restroom.
  • Belly Button in or out? Very much out
  • Wedding rings on or off? Off, but so I don't have to walk around ringless, I'm wearing one of my mom's rings that still fits :)
  • Looking forward to: Completing more baby projects this week!